Project Team: CFD Fire Risk Assessment Data Modeling

July 16, 2018

Project Team/Description: CFD Fire Risk Assessment

The Charlottesville Fire Department regularly assesses fire risks to life and property. With dozens of economic, building stock, demographic, and lifestyle data sets relevant to assessing fire risk available, creating a model to integrate myriad data into a parcel-level assessment will allow dynamic and ongoing monitoring of shifting fire risks in the community. How might we build a model that integrates current and novel data sources into actionable fire risk insights regularly available to local experts in the fire service?

Project Outcomes: None Yet

Project Lead: Ben Skinner

Project Status: Development; (1) Data Cleaning, (2) Model Building, (3) Website Design

Current Project Needs: Help data cleaning and reviewing work products / beta testing.

Project Sponsorship: This project is funded by Smart Cville donors.  Interested in contributing? Contact us.

Project Resources:

GitHub Repo

Smart Cville Slack invite (this team has a public channel #firechallenge)