February 7, 2018 - 7:00 pm to 8:30 pm
1400 University Ave, Charlottesville
We’re diving into crime data! We’ll discuss some of the peculiarities of the data and some strategies for using R to obtain, analyze, and map drug-offense data.
Free registration requested below. Join us for an evening of open data discussion and analysis. Open to all but introductory knowledge of R and the tidyverse, is preferred if you plan to code along (see “Setup” below). We think this will be interesting to many but this will be a programming-focused event. We will have a walk along and fill along R script for intermediate R users that want to type along, we will be talking through the process and findings at a high level via slides included above. Hopefully, every skill level can get something valuable.
Basic agenda:
7:00pm-7:20, Welcome and local context for drug-related crimes in Charlottesville from Neal Goodloe, Criminal Justice Planner, Thomas Jefferson Area Community Criminal Justice Board
7:20-7:25 Geocoding/bringing open data into R
7:25-7:45 Tools and plots in R
7:45-8:05 Model the data and testing analysis
8:05-8:30 Independent exploration/creation/questions
Code demos will be run with R 3.4.1 (download here https://www.r-project.