Thanks to all for a successful first year!  We hit our max capacity of 50 participants – all of whom were active, engaged and positive.


June 3, 2017 – sign up!


WillowTree (address)


Smart Cville and WillowTree are hosting Charlottesville’s first civic innovation day.  Community members from diverse backgrounds will gather to consider how technology can help mitigate specific challenges in our community – sign up!


Designers, programmers, citizen activists, technologists, YOU – sign up!

Code for America has developed an anti-harassment policy for this type of event.  We intend to use it as a guide to ensure our event remains positive, welcoming, and accepting.


We believe that combining technology and human expertise we can improve our community.  Central Virginia is home to a highly educated and active citizenry that should be engaged deeply to help make our community a better place to live.

Presenting sponsor:

Event Sponsors:

Interested in being a sponsor? Please contact us for more information.

Door prize sponsors:

Random Row Brewing, Crutchfield

Food sponsors:

Wegmans, Bodo’s Bagels, Dominos

Challenge Partners:


City of Charlottesville

Challenge: Economic indicator dashboard

The City of Charlottesville Office of Economic Development publishes quarterly economic indicator data to educate potential business owners, current business owners, and citizens on the economic climate in the city. How might we develop a more efficient process to help communicate key economic indicators for the City of Charlottesville in a visually appealing way that’s easily and quickly updatable?


Albemarle County

Challenge: Crowdsourced environmental stewardship

Albemarle County has thousands of stream miles. Various state and local policies require streams and their banks be protected from erosion, illicit discharges, etc., but proactively inspecting every mile is difficult. How might technology be used to engage citizens in order to protect local streams in the county?


Challenge: Digital “street sheet” resource for the homeless and hungry

In order to help connect those in need to locally available resources, TJACH regularly distributes a printed “street sheet” to its clients listing vital programs (food, shelter, clothing) that are currently available in the city. How might we use technology to distribute the street sheet more widely, ensure accuracy of its information, and allow for its content to be easily updated?


Thomas Jefferson Regional Planning District

Challenge: Traffic

RideShare, a program of the Thomas Jefferson Planning District Commission, works to reduce traffic congestion and increase mobility among in our region.  How might we use technology to increase awareness of RideShare and reduce the friction involved in participation in ride sharing programs?


Your challenge!

Challenge: up to you!

While we’re excited about the issues our challenge partners are offering, we also understand that you may have other ideas.  On the day of the event, we will support project teams that emerge in subject areas outside of those brought forward by our challenge partners.