Cville Releases Master Address Point Dataset

Master Address Points This past October, the City of Charlottesville released the Master Address Points dataset. This may be the most significant dataset released to the public since the start of the Charlottesville Open Data Portal and will be an invaluable resource to any users of city data. The importance of address information cannot be[…]

Charlottesville Area Transit Session Feedback

We had a great group attend our CAT User App workshop with a mix of Charlottesville residents, City officials, and CAT employees. Lots of different neighborhoods were represented providing us with a variety of takeaways. Several residents shared troubles based on personal experience with our transit system as it relates to safety, accessibility, communication, and[…]

Charlottesville Downtown Mall Vacancy Visualization

Taking data from 07/2009-01/2017, the following is an animated visualization of vacancies along the Downtown Mall in Charlottesville, VA.  This is simply an extension of the data provided biannually by the Charlottesville City Office of Economic Development. Colors on this map represent how many consecutive times an address has been included in the student.  Green[…]

Charlottesville Compost Data

Since the start of market season, Charlottesville has been a piloting an ad hoc composting program. The program collects compostable material from anyone attending the Farmers Market downtown. Anyone participating gets this service for free as well as the bags necessary to collect the compost.  With help from the Department of Public Works, we’re pasting[…]