Headshots of the CCI fellows

Civic Innovation Fellowship Inaugural Cohort

In January 2020 we launched the Civic Innovation Fellowship program to support local individuals seeking to improve our community through innovative, community-led projects. Each fellow received a $1000 stipend to support their work. The Fellowship program was originally planned to conclude with an in-person public showcase in May. This showcase was intended to allow each[…]

Book Review: Data Feminism, by Catherine D’Ignazio and Lauren F. Klein

Data Feminism (2020) by Catherine D’Ignazio and Lauren F. Klein provides an important perspective about data and power. Those in power use data, intentionally or unintentionally, to maintain the status quo and oppress marginalized people. Yet data is a two-edged sword and those without power can use it to challenge the status quo. While inspired[…]

Book Review: Storytelling with Data, by Cole Nussbaumer Knaflic

Storytelling with Data: A Data Visualization Guide for Business Professionals (2015) by Cole Nussbaumer Knaflic is the current #1 Bestseller in Information Management on Amazon for good reason. The book is a clear guide to chart design, helping readers move quickly from basic graphs to engaging and informative displays. Knaflic’s software-agnostic book will benefit all[…]

IoT and Stormwater: A Student Centered on University/Community Collaboration

An innovative University of Virginia capstone team recently published a study called Flood Monitoring and Mitigation Strategies for Flood-Prone Urban Areas. The capstone went far beyond a traditional academic exercise. Supported by Professor Jonathan Goodall, Smart Cville’s Center for Civic Innovation, and the City of Charlottesville, this team was able to bring its capstone into[…]

Book Review: The Big Book of Dashboards, by Steve Wexler, Jeffrey Shaffer, and Andy Cotgreave

This is the second in a series of book reviews about data dashboards. In the first review, we looked at Information Dashboard Design: Displaying data for at-a-glance monitoring by Stephen Few. The Big Book of Dashboards: Visualizing Your Data Using Real-World Business Scenarios (2017) is the perfect complement to Stephen Few’s Information Dashboard Design.  While[…]

Short Term Rental (Airbnb) Data Collaborative Update

Airbnb/Rental Supply Data Collaborative Project Sponsor: Charlottesville HAC (via Chris Meyer, Heather Hill, Sally Hudson) Project team: Nathan Day, Matt Thomas, Courtney Whalen The below report was submitted to HAC for its meeting packet in March (just as COVID-19 shut downs were beginning).  That meeting did not happen but may this July.  Not submitted to[…]

Few book cover

Book Review: Information Dashboard Design, by Stephen Few

2020 is the year of the dashboard! This is not because dashboards are new, but rather their use has exploded as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. The COVID-19 Dashboard by the Center for Systems Science and Engineering at Johns Hopkins University remains the most popular dashboard, recording more than 4.5 billion views in a[…]