Capstone with UVA School of Data Science: The Deployment of a LoRaWAN-Based IoT Air Quality Sensor Network

For the last academic year, we worked with researchers from the University of Virginia to use the Internet of Things in examining air quality in the City of Charlottesville. We were honored to do this work as part of the capstone program at the UVA School of Data Science.  The team, led by students James[…]

Addressing Climate Change: Reducing Single Occupancy Vehicle Trips Regionally

For many years, regional planners have aspired to reduce the number of people who commute to work by driving alone. That would reduce traffic congestion, improve air quality, reduce parking demand and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Albemarle’s Comprehensive Plan says the county will “continue to implement travel demand management strategies” including “biking and walking, carpooling[…]

Civic Innovators Create Rivanna Trails App

No app development experience? No problem! Civic innovators Amy and Stuart Ferguson saw a local challenge: how can we make it easier for people, especially first time users, to navigate and enjoy the Rivanna Trail? Their answer: leverage technology to create an app … and despite having no app development experience … they did just[…]

Charlottesville Compost Data

Since the start of market season, Charlottesville has been a piloting an ad hoc composting program. The program collects compostable material from anyone attending the Farmers Market downtown. Anyone participating gets this service for free as well as the bags necessary to collect the compost.  With help from the Department of Public Works, we’re pasting[…]