Lodging Tax Rates in Virginia Cities

The Lodging Tax, sometimes referred to as “Transient Occupancy” Tax, is one of the popular revenue levers for cities across Virginia. Since debates over changing this tax on hotels (and other short term lodgings) usually contain information on comparable cities, just how do the largest cities in Virginia compare to one another? We’ve compiled, with[…]

New Tool Launch: Procurement Alerts for City of Charlottesville

Today we’ve launched a procurement alert system for the City of Charlottesville.  This system will alert subscribers to any new projects posted on the city procurement website.  Additionally, it will send alerts regarding procurement project updates, including project awards.  Previously, interested parties would need to review manually the city webpage and search for new awards[…]

Charlottesville Downtown Mall Vacancy Visualization

Taking data from 07/2009-01/2017, the following is an animated visualization of vacancies along the Downtown Mall in Charlottesville, VA.  This is simply an extension of the data provided biannually by the Charlottesville City Office of Economic Development. Colors on this map represent how many consecutive times an address has been included in the student.  Green[…]