Smart Cville is hosting an Addressing Deep Dive at 7:00 PM on Thursday, 28 March. The deep dive will be hosted at UVA’s Campbell Hall Room 220C, located on Bayly Dr Charlottesville, VA 22903. Deep Dives are unique events combining presentations by local experts with hands-on activities. This would be very useful to anyone working with addresses in datasets. Since most area based datasets contain addresses, it is important for anyone analyzing those types of datasets to understand how to geocode, map and use the data. This data deep dive will provide an understanding of how addressing works and an introductory lesson to mapping address based data.
Street addresses are the primary way to identify businesses and residences and this session will give you a thorough understanding of addressing in Charlottesville along with a hands-on session geocoding a list of Charlottesville addresses.
Pam Murray (GIS Technician, Neighborhood Development Services, City of Charlottesville) will review street addressing in Charlottesville. She will discuss the components of an address, addressing standards (including relationships with US Postal Service and E911), the process for assigning addresses, and unusual addressing issues.
Doug Caldwell (Geospatial Analyst, U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center) will lead a hands-on session geocoding an address list of Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) Certified Buildings in Charlottesville. We will use the free capabilities of ArcGIS Online, a cloud-based geographic information service. Instructions for setting up an ArcGIS Online Developer account and learning the basics of ArcGIS Online can be found here.