Taking data from 07/2009-01/2017, the following is an animated visualization of vacancies along the Downtown Mall in Charlottesville, VA. This is simply an extension of the data provided biannually by the Charlottesville City Office of Economic Development.
Colors on this map represent how many consecutive times an address has been included in the student. Green 1-2 times, yellow 2-3 times, orange 4-5 times, red 6-7 times, black 8+ times.
You can review the data for this visualization here in CSV format. You can embed this map into your website using the code below.
<iframe src="https://www.smartcville.com/mallvacancy.html" width="600" height="600"> Technical discussion: For this visualization, I used the Torque tool at <a href="https://cartodb.com/">CartoDB</a>. Given the way I wanted to present this data, I had to customize the steps animation using <a href="http://docs.cartodb.com/cartodb-platform/cartodb-js.html">CartoDB.js</a>. Data discussion: This data is provided by the City of Charlottesville biannually in PDF format. I took that information from the <a href="http://www.charlottesville.org/Index.aspx?page=26">Office of Economic Development</a> website and requested additional years, which were provided to me by the city. If the visualization proves popular and the city continues its report, I will add a JSON feed for the data.</iframe>