2018 CID Logo
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We have only a few open slots left so if you can no longer make it, cannot stay the entire day, or feel like it isn't for you, please cancel your ticket (you can do so in Eventbrite or by replying to us here).

What's new (not in previous emails)

Slack: We'll use Slack to help us communicate during the event. We encourage you to sign up for our Slack team here. If you have trouble getting an invite using that link, contact us by responding to this email and we'll get you in.

Parallel workshop series: Our focus Saturday is on the challenges but we also will hold mini introductory workshops during the afternoon. Registrants are free to pop in/out of these workshops. See below for more information.

1:15pm - Getting Started as an Employee in the Tech Community - Jordan Schreuder
2:00pm - UX Strategy - Caroline Hompe
2:45pm - Product Design - Grace Ho
3:30pm - Augmented Reality - Michael Thomas
4:15pm - Exploring Hardwear & Android Things - Rich Friedel


Arrive, breakfast, and welcome.
Reminder of what we hope to do- "build with" not "for"
Discovery: Group exercises, discussion, research, problem understanding
Speaker, Megan Juelfs, ‎Chief Data Officer & Content Director, Indicator Explorer - ‎Thriving Cities Group
Time to work and parallel workshop series
Presentations (5pm)
Open to friends, family, public

Lunch speaker: Megan Juelfs, Chief Data Officer, Thriving Cities Group
Megan has spent more than a decade collecting, analyzing, and presenting data. She directed the development of the Indicator Explorer, which uses data and to help community residents, leaders, and practitioners assess, understand, and ultimately improve neighborhoods and cities. Some of her previous projects include analyzing community indicator projects, finding ways to measure poverty to reflect the lived realities of those living with low income, text mining of university alumni magazines and partisan news media, and interviewing parents about contemporary childrearing. She has a Ph.D. in sociology from the University of Virginia where her worked focused on politics and parenting.

Other FAQs below

What to Expect

June 2nd is a full day (9am-6pm) of hands-on civic engagement. People from all backgrounds are welcome and encouraged to attend. Everyone will have something to contribute.

When you arrive on June 2 at Cityspace, you will learn about the challenges and get an opportunity to join a challenge team. Each challenge has a project fellow to facilitate your work and help drive teams forward. At the end of the day, you will share prototypes and project plans. After the event, you are encouraged to continue working on the challenge (and invite others to join) and your fellow will help coordinate activities. During the day we will also have a handful of related introductory workshops.

Learn more about the challenges!

We currently have three great challenges ready for you this year from Albemarle County, City of Charlottesville, and three regional transit providers (JAUNT/CAT/UTS).

Each challenge will need interested citizens, designers, programmers, and more! Everyone is welcome and everyone has something to contribute.



What are my parking options for getting to and from the event?
This event is centrally located in Downtown Charlottesville at Cityspace. We highly encourage you to walk, bike or carpool. If you need to drive, please use the Market Street Garage. As part of the City's i-Team sponsorship, we will have 40 all day parking passes for the Market St. garage. They will be distributed at registration, upon request, until gone. We strongly encourage people to car pool, walk, and ride bikes to the event.

What about food and drink for the day? We will have bagels and coffee as you arrive. Bagels are provided by Bodo's Bagels and coffee is sponsored by the Charlottesville office of Womble Bond Dickinson. Thank you! For lunch we are purchasing bag lunches from Breadworks (including vegetarian options). We will also purchase snacks (snack bars, fruit, cookies) during the afternoon. If you have dietary needs that we are not fulfilling, please feel free to bring your own food. Rather than purchase bottled water for the event, we're asking people to bring reusable water bottles for the drinking fountain or any other beverage that you may want.

What should I bring to the event?
Aside from your great ideas, please bring a mac or PC laptop and charger along with your favorite design programs and IDE software. There will be plenty of room and power on hand for your charging needs. Wifi will also be provided. Layers of clothing and a reuseable water bottle are recommended.

How can I contact the organizer with any questions?
If you have questions about this event or if you would like to contribute please contact Lucas Ames with Smart Cville (lucas@smartcville.com).

I don't consider myself a designer or developer, can I still attend?
Yes! This is a chance to engage in civic participation. Even if you are unfamiliar with designing or developing, your feedback and ideas can help.
CID poster

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