Projects and Resources

May 28, 2015

Here is a list of items that we are currently working on and resources that we’ve created and/or curated.  If you use any of these resources for a citizen-driven project or want help in that regard, please contact us.

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Open Data
Creation of open data policies in Albemarle and Charlottesville City
City of Charlottesville Budget Visualization (JSON and CSV available)
Charlottesville compost pilot program data tracking (JSON available)
Participate in the City of Charlottesville Open Data Advisory Group
Hold workshops and classes on open data (Open Data Deep Dives, Bootcamp)
Downtown Mall Vacancy data (CSV available) – (no longer updated)
Creating a more searchable, open repository for council minutes that includes recent sessions (no longer updated)
Internet of Things
In order to support open data, data-driven decision making, and citizen led technology innovation, Smart Cville is working on the deployment of a citywide Internet of Things network.
Civic Innovation Advocacy and Leadership

Smart Cville Resources

Click for more info. Feel free to use, reuse, modify.

City of Charlottesville Procurement Alerts
Charlottesville City Procurement Alerts. Get instantly notified when new projects are listed or current projects are updated.
Albemarle County Procurement Alerts
Albemarle County Procurement Alerts. Get instantly notified when new projects are listed or current projects are updated.
City of Charlottesville Budget Visualization
Charlottesville Voting Precincts KML file
Charlottesville Voting Precincts KML file (Google friendly) – converted from GIS data from City of Charlottesville
Virginia 5th Congressional District Precincts KML file
Charlottesville Neighborhood and Planning Districts KML file
Charlottesville Neighborhood and Planning Districts KML file (Google friendly) – converted from GIS data from City of Charlottesville.
Charlottesville Downtown Mall KML file
Charlottesville Downtown Mall KML file (Google friendly) – converted from GIS data from City of Charlottesville
Charlottesville Vacancy Rate Study Areas KML file
Charlottesville Vacancy Rate Study Areas KML file (Google friendly) – created by Smart Cville
Albemarle Voting Precincts KML file
Albemarle Voting Precincts KML file (Google friendly) – converted from GIS data from Albemarle County
Previous Albemarle Voting Precincts 2003-2011 KML file
Previous Albemarle Voting Precincts 2003-2011 KML file (Google friendly) – converted from GIS data from Albemarle County
Searchable Charlottesville City Council Minutes
Compost Collection Open Data - JSON
Composting Promotional video
Charlottesville drop-off composting program – City Market promotional video
Creative Commons License
Smart Cville works above are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.  If you have any questions about using these resources please let us know.  Basically… Use them and share alike!

External resources

Reuse policy depends on external site.

Albemarle Charlottesville Fire Rescue data
Great visualization of Fire-Rescue data including JSON feed output (GithubDemo) – give it a chance to load.  Via Michael Holroyd/Central Virginia Javascript Enthusiasts
Virginia Department of Elections
Virginia Department of Elections – each results page has a JSON link for retrieving election results data. We used it to create an automatically updating post for the 2015 Democratic primary.
Local government GIS data
City of Charlottesville City Council Minutes
City of Charlottesville City Council Minutes (through 2013, for 2014-2015 see our resource above)