Revitalizing Democracy: Is it Time to Rethink Local Boards and Commissions?

Learn more about Charlottesville Boards and Commissions More than hundred years ago, Progressive Era reformers, among the ranks of whom included former President Theodore Roosevelt, Supreme Court Justice Louis Brandeis and Mary Munford, sought to end corruption and make local governments more democratic and efficient through restructuring political institutions.  As part of the reforms, cities[…]

Open Letter on Open Data in Charlottesville

April 12, 2016 Dear Council Members, Thank you for your service to the City of Charlottesville.  In a letter to the editor the majority of the Council described a recent change in meeting procedures as “intended to create more transparency, broader engagement and a more efficient Council; less talk and more action means more tangible[…]

Breaking Down Albemarle’s Commonwealth’s Attorney Race

In one of the more interesting races last night, Robert Tracci defeated incumbent Denise Lunsford for the Commonweath’s Attorney position in Albemarle County. Below is a more detailed visualization at that race on how Tracci was able to win. This work was made possible because of open data provided by the Virginia Department of Elections[…]