What’s in a Map? Articles and Resources Related to Coronavirus Mapping (COVID-19)

Reliable Maps for Coronavirus A trusted compilation of Coronovirus dashboards (Esri) (A collection of trusted maps) Johns Hopkins University & Medicine Coronavirus Resource Center (An interactive dashboard. This is the most popular Coronavirus map.) Coronavirus Map: Tracking the Spread of the Outbreak (Static maps that are updated regularly) Articles Related to Coronavirus Mapping Mapping Coronavirus,[…]

Cville Releases Master Address Point Dataset

Master Address Points This past October, the City of Charlottesville released the Master Address Points dataset. This may be the most significant dataset released to the public since the start of the Charlottesville Open Data Portal and will be an invaluable resource to any users of city data. The importance of address information cannot be[…]

Charlottesville Fire Department Leverages Community Volunteers

The Charlottesville Fire Department (CFD) is using community volunteers to expand its capabilities and integrate data-driven processes into the core of its operations. Volunteers contribute both time and an expanded range of technical skills allowing CFD to focus on its core mission while also investigating new capabilities, forming unique data collaboratives. The era of regular[…]

Microsoft Meets Charlottesville Open Data – Building Footprints

On October 12, 2018, the New York Times published an article on a remarkable achievement from Microsoft, “A Map of Every Building In America.” The map provides insight on the structure and form of our impact on the environment, as well as the influence of history, geology, and culture on the manmade landscape. In addition[…]